Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Blogging - A Perspective

Why should I waste time blogging?? Or so I thought even as I was prompted by the Orkut's view of blogs to make a blog for myself.

The views of an individual on a society are hardly going to rock it or shake it. Memories of the past become meaningless with the passage of time. Men are born, men die and only their noble actions survive the crucial test of time. So, how on earth does blogging help to enhance the reputation of men without giving the feeling that they have only spent their luscious free time with a ridiculous activity?

I feel differently. To me blogs are not posts to share my views with the people of the World. It is just a diary from which I can always refer and study my evolution as a human being. Had this been there some ten years ago, today I would have had with me a written proof of how childish I was then. For today's schoolgoers and youth alike, this is a fantastic opportunity to preserve their day-to-day feelings for posterity. 

So that's it, whatever the reasons be, I am here to document my past, starting with May 2004 when my college journey began. It may not be for interesting, it's just my travel through the days, but it is mainly for the men of the future.